Monday, June 7, 2010

The Heart Mender by Andy Andrews

I'll be perfectly honest; I did not want to enjoy this book from Thomas Nelson. This was the third book I'd chosen to review for their Book Sneeze web site and I was completely prepared to be bored or disappointed by the novel.

The author had me in the first chapter! He admitted in the foreward that the book was all true. He inserted himself into the early part of the story and then took the reader back several years to the southern coastline of the United States during World War II.

I'm a sucker for war stories since my father in law was a tank commander in the European conflict.

The story set back in the 1940's flows effortlessly and kept me on the edge of my seat, wanting to know how on earth it fit in with the beginning chapter of the book. When he wrapped up all the loose strings, the ending was completely satisfying and believeable. I guess it had to be believeable since the author attests that his book is all based on facts and first-hand accounts of those involved.

The beauty of the lessons learned about grace and love is very satisfying. I highly recommend the novel.