Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Small house living; four daughters in one bedroom

When we first moved into our house, we had only one son and two daughters. After three miscarriages, we were able to have a duplicate family; another two daughters followed by one son! Bunk beds are the friends of families.

As our daughters got older and 'bigger', the older daughters could no longer have the top bunks; the weight limits on the wooden bunk beds disallowed that. Neither of them wanted to be crammed into lower bunks. The only solution was to try to arrange the beds so that the older two were side by side and the younger two were in the bunks. It was not easy. There is almost NO floor space in that room. We removed the closet doors and replaced them with home made curtains (Walmart cheap sheets are wonderful for home sewing projects!) We found a large dresser (road side pick up!!) that the younger two could use and, as stated in the earlier post, the older girls' dresser is in the hallway outside their door. The older daughters use the closet; the younger girls share space in their younger brother's closet down the hall.

Picture 1: the bed that is right as one enters their bedroom.

Picture 2: the closet 'door' right beside the bed from picture 1

Picture 3: this bed has less than two feet between it and the bed next to it from picture 1

Picture 4: the bunk beds are tight against the bed in picture 3. There is only a small 'path' to get to the lower bunk. The daughter in the top bunk has to climb over her sisters' beds to get to hers.

The girls are still able to decorate a portion of the walls to personalize the room. We found inexpensive shelves at thrift stores and they hold knick knacks for the various collections. There have been a few paint changes over the years and right now, two opposite walls are green and the other two opposite walls are a mocha colour; compromise is necessary with four girls in one bedroom! Each bed has an orange blanket; it's a favorite colour for three of the daughters. (one daughter compromised) I had originally wanted all four bed covers to 'match' the room colours but we're really hoping the two adult daughters can move out soonly so they chose bed comforters that will go well with their own designs when they finally get homes of their own!

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