Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Small house living: one more bedroom

The purpose of this post is to show that, just because one bedroom is cramped, not all of the upstairs is overcrowded. Hubby and I are blessed to fit in a hide-a-bed in our room for our son to stay whenever we have overnight guests. His room is the guest room when we have company. The hide-a-bed is a small loveseat perfect for reading. The kids are all free to flop there when they want quiet. Many phone calls are made on that love seat as well! Note that there is 'something' hiding behind the love seat; we use every available space to tuck hubby's music equipment when he's not using it. Under our bed, in our closet, in corners, downstairs, upstairs; it's everywhere actually!

My husband reworked an old stereo cabinet and made it into a nice bedside table for his side of the bed. He uses a CPAP machine and needs a fan to sleep so this works well for his needs. The 'cut out' in the wall has always been a mystery to us. We painted it a slightly lighter shade of green and put in shelves. It's wonderful for us to have our own 'library' with some personal knick knacks as well.

Before I was married, my mother gave me a 'hope chest'. It looks so 70's in this photo; I suppose that's because I got it in 1980!! It has been a big help holding special keep sakes safely through the years. When trying to make the most of space, I've found it necessary to purge things from time to time. I used to keep every single wedding invitation and graduation announcement for friends and family. The chest simply cannot hold those plus all of my special baby items and my other treasures given to me over the years. It's been a big blessing; if you can fit it in a bedroom, it's wonderful to own a cedar-lined chest like this one.

I will leave it to your imagination how cluttered and full my closet is! My husband's music equipment is in there. My sewing machine and record player are too. We store suitcases on top shelves. School books waiting to be needed are all packed away on the closet floor. What we do not have a lot of are shoes; our kids have more than enough yet hubby and I own very little. We do well with little foot wear!

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